Thursday, January 14, 2010

Composting tips...

If you're putting in Fall crops...corn, beans, etc., don't forget to use lots of compost! Plants use lots of nutrients from the soil to produce good vegetables. If your plants are dying off or look like they're getting pretty hammered, think how you would feel if nobody fed you!!! Be sure to give your plants plenty of nourishment!! If you can only get commercial stuff (bagged pellets, Miracle Gro, etc.) that's better than nothing. However, true COMPOST works VERY well because it has plenty of nutrients that are distributed over a longer period of time, AND it helps condition the soil as well. Hope this helps.


Garden History - video

Fall? Planting?

Okay, so it's not quite FALL yet, BUT we'll be harvesting in the Fall, so we plant now! We had several people out BRIGHT AND EARLY this morning, and we got LOTS done!!! Six beds of corn planted and two beds of bush beans planted; peppers and tomatoes picked; and it only took an hour and 15 minutes!!
Enjoy the pictures!


It only took THREE DAYS for the "pre-sprouted" corn to come up!! Now that's nearly INSTANT gardening!!!

Hot enough...

Jacqui is EXPERT at re-planting bush beans in the afternoon sun!! "Don't cry for me, Argentina!!" :-)

And weeds are NOT tolerated in the corn that is coming up so sparsely in the south beds!

Misery loves company. . . or many hands make light work!

Now THIS corn is doing well!!

Hurray for MORE compost!!

The Peanuts are STILL beautiful!!


(click on a picture to see more detail)

The green beans are coming up GREAT (in the background)

Tomatoes are still going strong!!

The second planting of squash is doing fairly well in spite of the squash bugs.

Ahhhh, the security of a good pile of compost...

Dallin's hands a few days after shoveling the compost out of the truck WITHOUT gloves! Ouch!!